28 February, 2013

Presents for our partners

Martenitsa  is a small piece of adornment, made of white and red yarn and worn from March 1 until around the end of March (or the first time an individual sees a stork, swallow, or budding tree). The name of the holiday is Baba Marta. "Baba" (баба) is the Bulgarian word for "grandmother" and Mart (март) is the Bulgarian word for the month of March. Baba Marta is a Bulgarian tradition related to welcoming the upcoming spring. The month of March, according to Bulgarian folklore, marks the beginning of springtime. Therefore, the first day of March is a traditional holiday associated with sending off winter and welcoming spring.
Symbolism The red and white woven threads symbolize the wish for good health. They are the heralds of the coming of spring in Bulgaria and life in general. While white as a color symbolizes purity, red is a symbol of life and passion, thus some ethnologists have proposed that, in its very origins, the custom might have reminded people of the constant cycle of life and death, the balance of good and evil, and of the sorrow and happiness in human life.
Tradition On the first day of March and for a few days afterwards, Bulgarians exchange and wear white and red tassels or small dolls called "Пижо и Пенда" (Pizho and Penda). In Bulgarian folklore the name Baba Marta (in Bulgarian баба Марта meaning Grandma March) is related to a grumpy old lady whose mood swings change very rapidly.
This is an old pagan tradition that remains almost unchanged today. The common belief is that by wearing the red and white colours of the martenitsa people ask Baba Marta for mercy. They hope that it will make winter pass faster and bring spring. Many people wear more than one martenitsa. They receive them as presents from relatives, close friends and colleagues. Martenitsa is usually worn pinned on the clothes, near the collar, or tied around the wrist. The tradition calls for wearing the martenitsa until the person sees a stork or a blooming tree. The stork is considered a harbinger of spring and as evidence that Baba Marta is in a good mood and is about to retire.
The ritual of finally taking off the martenitsa may be different in different parts of Bulgaria. Some people would tie their martenitsa on a branch of a fruit tree, thus giving the tree health and luck, which the person wearing the martenitsa has enjoyed himself while wearing it. Others would put the martenitsa under a stone with the idea that the kind of creature (usually an insect) closest to the token the next day will determine the person's health for the rest of the year. If the creature is a larva or a worm, the coming year will be healthy, and full of success. The same luck is associated with an ant, the difference being that the person will have to work hard to reach success. If the creature near the token is a spider, then the person is in trouble and may not enjoy luck, health, or personal success.
The martenitsa is also a stylized symbol of Mother Nature. During early-spring/late-winter, nature seems full of hopes and expectations. The white symbolizes the purity of the melting white snow and the red symbolizes the setting of the sun which becomes more and more intense as spring progresses. These two natural resources are the source of life. They are also associated with the male and female beginnings.
Wearing one or more martenitsi is a very popular Bulgarian tradition. The martenitsa symbolises new life, conception, fertility, and spring. The time during which it is worn is meant to be a joyful holiday commemorating health and long life. The colours of the martenitsa are interpreted as symbols of purity and life, as well as the need for harmony in Nature and in people's lives.

22 February, 2013

Ein Besuch beim Institut für Astrophysik - Potsdam ...oder warum ist die Erde kein Stern?

Wir haben da mit den Eltern die runde Bibliotek mit den vielen alten Büchern besucht, haben viele alte und neue Teleskope in verschidenen Größen bewundert und Erklärungen dazu erhalten. Für ein Teleskop wurde sogar die Dachkuppel aufgefahren. Leider waren an dem Tag wegen der Bewölkung keine Sterne zu sehen. So haben wir alle Brillen aufgesetzt und bekamen einen 3D-Film vorgeführt. Dabei haben dann einige von uns nach den Sternen gegriffen.
Gruppen "Löwe", "Käfer", "Fuchs"

19 February, 2013

Wie sehen die Länder unserer Partner auf der Landkarte aus?Wie weit und wie nah sind unsere Freunde von uns entfernt?

Προσπαθούμε να δούμε πώς είναι οι χώρες στον Χάρτη.Πόσο μακρινή και πόσο κοντινή  είναι η  απόσταση της κάθε χώρας από μας;

Wir haben eine Karte aus England bekommen..!!! Wir haben uns sehr gefreut!! (Μας ληρθε κάρτα από την Αγγλία! Χαρήκαμε πάρα πολύ!

Wir  haben uns sehr gefreut ueber die schoene Karte und das schoene Bild .Daher haben weir beschlossen auch die Erde mit den Kindern unserer Welt  zu malen.(Μας άρεσε πολύ η κάρτα με την ωραία ζωγραφιά .Αποφασίσαμε να ζωγραφίσουμε και εμείς τη γη με τα παιδιά όλου του κόσμου)

11 February, 2013

Traveling exhibition / Wandernde Ausstellung

Kremena Marinova: "...Every your paintings are unique. Exhibition was great. Parents, teachers and children were impressed..."

"Скъпи партьори,
Много се радвам, че работя с такива страхотни патьори. Всички рисунки са уникални. Изложбата беше чудесна. Родителите, колегите и децата бяха впечатлени. Първо подредихме изложбата в Детската градина, където тя стоя около 1 седмица. След това я подредихме в Обсерваторията. Там тя остана 2 седмици. Направихме - Дневник на изложбата - където всеки посетител може да напише своето мнение. Дневникът ще пътува заедно с рисунките от държава в държава. Моля, всеки партньор да напише на корицата на дневника - ,, Дневник за мнения и впечатления’’ - на всеки език на партньорите. По време на изложбата имахме две радио интервюта, където съобщихме за проекта и за идеята за пътуващата изложба. Рисунките ще опаковаме и изпратим за Сорони, Гърция."
"Dear partners,
I am very proud to have such great partners.
Every your paintings are unique. Exhibition was great. Parents, teachers and children were impressed.
At first we arrange paintings in our Kindergarten. Our teachers and parents could view about 1 week.
Then we arrange in Observatory. There exhibition was exposed two weeks.
We made - Journal of exhibition - where they could write their opinions and impressions.
The Journal will travel with pictures.
Please, each partner to write of the cover,, Journal about opinions and impressions’’ of each partners language.
During the exhibition we did two radio interviews. Reported to the idea of our project and traveling exhibition.
We will pack and send for Soroni, Greece."
Kremena Marinova